Readonly activeVRDisplays
activeVRDisplays: readonly VRDisplay[]
Readonly appCodeName
appCodeName: string
Readonly appName
appName: string
Readonly appVersion
appVersion: string
bluetooth: Bluetooth
Readonly clipboard
clipboard: Clipboard
Readonly cookieEnabled
cookieEnabled: boolean
Readonly credentials
credentials: CredentialsContainer
Readonly doNotTrack
doNotTrack: null | string
Readonly geolocation
geolocation: Geolocation
Readonly hardwareConcurrency
hardwareConcurrency: number
hid: { getDevices: any; requestDevice: any }
Type declaration
getDevices: function
requestDevice: function
Returns Promise<USBDevice>
Readonly language
language: string
Readonly languages
languages: readonly string[]
Readonly maxTouchPoints
maxTouchPoints: number
Readonly mediaDevices
mediaDevices: MediaDevices
Readonly mimeTypes
mimeTypes: MimeTypeArray
Readonly msManipulationViewsEnabled
msManipulationViewsEnabled: boolean
Readonly msMaxTouchPoints
msMaxTouchPoints: number
Readonly msPointerEnabled
msPointerEnabled: boolean
Readonly onLine
onLine: boolean
Readonly permissions
permissions: Permissions
Readonly platform
platform: string
Readonly plugins
plugins: PluginArray
Readonly pointerEnabled
pointerEnabled: boolean
Readonly product
product: string
Readonly productSub
productSub: string
Readonly serviceWorker
serviceWorker: ServiceWorkerContainer
Readonly storage
storage: StorageManager
Readonly usb
usb: USB
Readonly userAgent
userAgent: string
Readonly vendor
vendor: string
Readonly vendorSub
vendorSub: string
Readonly webdriver
webdriver: boolean
The state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities.